Privacy Policy (app)

This Privacy Policy informs about the way in which Mundo-app (hereinafter, "we") collects and treats your personal information and the use that is made of it as a consequence access or use of the APP (also called the "platform" or simply "App").
This Privacy Policy is applicable to users who use the App together with the Terms of Use and the Cookies Policy. By accessing or using the APP you accept and authorize the collection, treatment and communication of your personal data in the terms established in This Privacy Policy and the use of cookies as described in our Cookies Policy.

This APP

To proceed with the registration, access and post-use of the APP, the user may provide on a voluntary basis, personal data (essentially, identifying and contact), which will be incorporated into automated media holder of Mundo-app.
He collection, storage, modification, structuring and, where appropriate, elimination of the data provided by the Users, will constitute treatment operations carried out by the Responsible, in order to guarantee the correct operation of the Application, maintain the relationship of provision of services and / or commercial with the User, and for the management, administration, information, provision and improvement of the service.
The personal data provided by the User - especially email or e-mail - may also be used to send bulletins (newsletters), as well as commercial communications of promotions and / or advertising of the Application, provided that the User has previously given his express consent for the receipt of these electronic communications.


The treatment of the User's data is done with the following legal bases that legitimize it:
The request for information and / or the hiring of the services of the Application, whose terms and conditions are they will make available to the User in any case, prior, for express acceptance.
The free, specific, informed and unambiguous consent of the User, making this policy available to them of privacy, which must be accepted through a declaration or clear affirmative action, such as the marking of a box ready for the purpose.

Automatic data collection and advertising

We work with analysis companies to help understand how you are doing using the application, such as the frequency and duration of use. We work with the advertisers and third-party ad networks, who have to know how to interact with the advertising provided in the application that helps us maintain the cost of the application FREE.
Advertisers and ad networks use some of the information collected by the Application, including, but not limited to, the unique identification ID of your device mobile. To protect the anonymity of this information, we use encryption technology to ensure that these third parties can not identify personally.
These third parties can also obtain information anonymous about other applications that you have downloaded to your mobile device, the mobile websites you visit, the location information is not accurate (for example, the zip code), and other location information is not accurate in order to help analyze and serve anonymously directed advertising on the application and elsewhere.
We can share encrypted versions of the information you have provided so that our partners to attach other information available about you for analysis or use related to advertising.